Marriage Equality
So the Prop 8 ruling wasn't that surprising, but it still hurt.I guess the only silver lining is that there are still 18 thousand married gay and lesbian couples in California. Still legally married. And at some point, people are going to understand that having married gays and lesbians is not going to destroy the families of California, but help strengthen them. And that marriage is a fundamental civil right t
hat belongs to all people, not just heterosexuals, and not just to the special, and lucky, 18 thousand gay and lesbian couple who managed to make their way over the rainbow during that brief moment in time in California.
I went down to Dupont Circle last night to support the Day of Decision rally in Washington DC. It was great to see all of the people who came out, in the rain, to stand for marriage equality. Young, old, black, white, gay, and straight. It really was great.
But a rally isn't enough. We all need to do something. We all need to join the movement to repeal Proposition 8.
Labels: gay marriage
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