Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Quotes of the Day

Wow, I guess I was a little prescient last night. Well it's not really a rant about the Anglican Community, but these words from Bishop Robinson better express how I feel than I could possibly write about what amounts to an ultimatum from the Anglican Community:

"How will we explain this 'forbearance' to all those gay and lesbian Christians who have come to the Episcopal Church because, for the first time ever, they have believed that there is a place for them at God's table, not simply beneath it, hoping for fallen scraps?"

And . . .

"Does anyone believe that our full compliance with the primates' demands, our complete denunciation of our gay and lesbian members or my removal as bishop would make all this go away?" he asked. "For the first time in its history and at the hands of the larger communion, the Episcopal Church may be experiencing a little taste of the irrational discrimination and exclusion that is an everyday experience of its gay and lesbian members."

I completely agree. I think we're already beyond the breaking point. I don't see the Bishop Akinola agreeing to stop his colonization of America and slowly destroying the Episcopal Church of the United States.

As my rector paraphrased the Dixie Chicks last Sunday: "I’m not ready to make nice—not ready to back down—still mad as hell”!

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At 4:34 PM, Blogger Chrislbs said...

I think the South African Archbishop's reaction to this was the best. He was wondering what the primates upset about when there is hunger, poverty, oppression and war that they might put at the top of their agenda. If the primates see the gay issue as the most pressing on them, then this says a lot about their perspective of a loving and caring God.

At 10:17 PM, Blogger d.K. said...

As I said to you before, what a colossal disappointment to what was seen earlier as a spiritually acceptable alternative to the unyielding dogma of the Roman Catholic Church -- I didn't convert, but gay friends I have did, and finally found a welcoming spiritual home -- only to find out years later that they again face the rejection they thought they had escaped from, within a religious denomination that was similar enough to their original home, that they could go their with complete peace of mind. Sheesh.


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